Telltale’s Guardians of the Galaxy Episode 1 Review: It’s Livin’ Thing.

Telltale has finally taken a crack at it’s first Marvel Property, and no better choice could be made than the Guardians of the Galaxy.With the first episode released, Guardians of the Galaxy The Telltale Series starts off with a bang, metaphorically and literally, as the game wastes no time in putting the player in the thick of it. As said in previous interviews with the game developer, this is not an origin story for the Guardians of the Galaxy, but rather a stand alone adventure with an already established team, thus wasting no episodes in showing how the team coming together and instead focusing on their own original story.IMG_6671.PNGThis first episode of Guardians of the Galaxy sets a fun adventure tone with some dramatic and emotional parts in-between, and while it does keep itself true to both the comics and the cinematic version, the game strays more in favor with the movie version (and for good reason; the movie is amazing.) in the way that it paces itself. The game itself plays smooth enough, with the controls and gameplay more refined than any other Telltale game before it. Playing the game itself is almost like reading an interactive Guardians comic, with yourself in the boots of Star-Lord. The game really makes you feel belonging with the Guardians, and makes you feel uneasy enough about decisions you make that could tear the team apart. That being said, there is not a whole much to do other than be wise with the choices you make, and time your button pressing right.Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-Telltale-Shot--(6)The developer, Telltale, put a lot of work in to the story of Guardians of the Galaxy, and it really shows in the first episode alone. After a mission against Thanos, the Guardians are left with a powerful ancient relic in their hands, something thscreenshot-thanos-watermarked-1920x1080-1490716490406_610wat could change the team forever, and puts them in the crosshairs of some very dangerous enemies. While this first episode has a lot in it, it doesn’t contain too much, but has just enough to draw you in and to leave you wanting more. Set to it’s own version of an Awesome Mix with sweet 70’s tunes, mainly Electric Light Orchestra’s “Livin’ Thing” as well as some Hall and Oates, and the Music pairs well with the narrative of the game and is the finishing touch to make it really feel Guardians authentic.

There are two emotional moments that really resonated with me, both involving flashbacks of Peter and his Mother on Earth. These do not detract from the story, and actually very much tie in with it in wonderful ways, with one ending the story on a perfect note. Overall, Episode 1: Tangled Up In Blue, is a great start to the Guardians of the Galaxy Telltale Game, and one that made me purchase the season pass to keep up with the series. Stay tuned to SuperBroMovies for continuing reviews of this Telltale Series. – Ernesto Valenzuela

Grade: 9/10

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Episode 1 Is Out for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and IOS

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series delivers a brand new story of the universe’s unlikeliest heroes, the rag-tag band of outlaws who go by the names Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. In the wake of an epic battle, the Guardians discover an artifact of unspeakable power. Each of the Guardians has a reason to desire this relic, as does a ruthless enemy who is the last of her kind, and who will stop at nothing to tear it from their hands. From Earth to the Milano to Knowhere and beyond, and set to the beat of awesome music, this five-part episodic series puts you in the rocket-powered boots of Star-Lord in an original Guardians adventure, told in the unique and award-winning Telltale style, where your decisions and actions will drive the path of the story you experience.


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