Dishonored Issue # 2 Review

Its time to go back to the Void with a review of Dishonored Issue 2. This comic series is based on the popular video game series and takes place after the first game and before the second game. I will be giving spoilers of the comic so please be warned now if you don’t want to be spoiled.


This issue kicks off with a flashback scene with a child Corvo and his sister Beatrici. As kids both seem ready to leave their home Serkonos with Corvo talking how he wanted to be a soldier and his sister would be married to a Lord or Emperor with him being her guard. Both of them are having fun with their conversation before Beatrici disappears without a word. This would happen to be the last time Corvo saw his sister.We than are in present day with Corvo in his mask heading to Charlington Ludd’s place to get some answers. He is thinking about his sister and how he thinks something bad most likely happened to her in this cold world. Corvo happened to already visit Ludd’s place but that was just as Corvo to see if he could get any information about the boy from the previous issue since Ludd also is a merchant for Human Flesh and Human Misery. Ludd tells Corvo he doesn’t have any information with his assistant making a smart comment to Corvo about how they can’t be responsible for every smuggler into the city. Corvo knows they are trying to hide something so when he shows up in his mask and starts doing things more dirty he gets the answers he needs with him getting the name Broken Tom. Before he leaves though he sees employees for Ludd in a basement so he uses his magic powers and summons a swarm of rats on them that start eating the men.


With Corvo now searching for Broken Tom, Officer Cottings, one of Corvo’s Watch, is searching for answers herself for the investigation Corvo assigned to her. Cottings has heard of stuff about Corvo’s other persona terrorizing Lords and criminals thinking that they must also be trying to find answers. Cottings talks about how she knows other ways of getting answers besides threatening people like paying them off. We than get a chase scene with Cottings chasing a naked guy for answers through houses and roofs. When she catches the guy she starts asking for answers about the smuggling into the Old Port and gets answers. The issue than starts cutting back and forth between Corvo and Cottings on there ways to a location to get answers they needed. You really get to see how both of them are tackling to investigations and how they process it.


Both of them than end up at the locations they need to be in with Corvo using his Dark Vision to locate kids in cages but than realizing that it was just animals in cages and that his Dark Vision was fooled. Cottings than finds Grindle has been killed already for days. Corvo than is attacked by a giant man with electric gauntlets that was expecting Corvo to show up. While Corvo is getting attacked by a man, Cottings is attacked by a black magic ghost like figure from a painting. Cottings mention how she has heard story of Dark magic and Witchcraft but doesn’t believe in it. She than shootings the painting which stops the ghost thing since it is connected to the painting. She than shoots all the paintings so no more can come at her with her saying her lead is dead. Corvo mean while is getting beaten bad with noticing the man has Bonecharms built into his body making him stronger and messes Corvo’s connection to the Void. Corvo than tries to use his Blink power to teleport away but the man’s eye lets him know where Corvo is going to teleport and shoots right when Corvo appears in the ceiling sending Corvo out the window into the water. Corvo while floating on the water talks about how drowning isn’t a good death when the boy from the previous issue helps him out of the water. We end with this and Corvo saying he will never know what happened to his sister.


This issue was a pretty good addition to this series. We get to see Corvo using his powers and be a detective while his maybe personal student shinning. The mystery with the boy who looks like his sister is getting interesting and the flashback to him and his sister as kids was well done.  I wish we could see more of him using different powers in combination in future issues. It seems that also Cottings will find out about Corvo having the Mark of the Outsider and that story should be a really good one. I would totally recommend picking this series up if you are a fan of the game series. – Johnathan Brin

Rating: 9/10

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