Is BLUE BEETLE Coming To ‘ARROW’ Season 7?

TV Line recently came across some information that suggests that Ted Kord could be making his way to Star City for his live-action debut on Arrow season 7. That Hashtag Show provided more in-depth details surrounding the role.

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A Caucasian actor in his mid-30s. Porter is an intelligent and homosexual technological entrepreneur who earned his big success as a businessman for being very creative. He hides tragic losses that he experienced in his life, leading to why he struggles to form new relationships with other people. Potential love interest for Curtis Holt, played by Echo Kellum. Porter will be a recurring character with an option to become a series regular for a potential season 8.

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This is not the first time that Kord has been hinted at joining the Arrowverse. There was another character that had a similar role description back in Season 3. That role turned out to be Ray Palmer, played by Brandon Routh, also known as the superhero, The Atom. Routh is currently a series regular on Legends of Tomorrow. Kord has been name-dropped multiple times throughout the series in the form of Kord Industries. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if “Daniel Porter” turns out to be Ted Kord and it will be a long time coming for his debut. 

Are you excited for Ted Kord to possibly make his debut on Arrow? Let us know what your thoughts are by tweeting @SuperBroMovies on Twitter!

Lucas Talbot

Source: TV Line, That Hashtag Show

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