Leaked ‘AVENGERS: ENDGAME’ LEGO Figures Tease Familiar Iron Man Suits Returning (SPOILERS)

Recently it was rumored that a number of familiar Iron Man armors would be appearing in Avengers: Endgame. And thanks to a leaked LEGO figure it seemed that this rumor may be true. But now a number of other figures have surfaced further fueling the Endgame rumor.

The rumor that surfaced surrounding Tiny Stark’s past suits claimed his Mark 1, 5, and 41 armors would appear in Endgame. And after the Mark 1 figure leaked this seemed like it could be legitimate. But now thanks to another leak featuring Mark 5 and 41 this seems like the rumor was true.


As you can see the above post includes looks at not only the Mark 1 armor but also the two additional armors which were rumored to appear. It is not yet known in what regard these suits will be used during the film, but hopefully, it goes beyond just an easter egg.

To stay up to date on any future leaks from Avengers: Endgame stay tuned to SuperBroMovies

Are you excited to see these classic suits appear in Avengers: Endgame? Let us know on Twitter what you think! – Jacob Campbell

Source: mini_legogo via Instagram

Avengers: Endgame will release in theaters on April 26, 2019.

A culmination of 22 interconnected films, the fourth installment of the Avengers saga will draw audiences to witness the turning point of this epic journey. Our beloved heroes will truly understand how fragile this reality is and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it.

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